Parties & Events
Events at
Dr. Holms
We know what is required to organize a successful event. At Dr. Holms you are in safe hands, and we are ready to deliver according to your expectations.
Parties & Events
We know what is required to organize a successful event. At Dr. Holms you are in safe hands, and we are ready to deliver according to your expectations.
Do you want to give a small reward to your employees? We have both plenty of space, expertise, and the right content available to deliver experiences that will inspire and motivate your employees.
We welcome you to celebrate your children´s Confirmation in stately surroundings. Dr. Holms is the perfect setting to celebrate this day – in surroundings infused with decades of history and traditions.
Dr. Holms has extensive experience when it comes to hosting small and large family reunions. Bringing the family together is not only a great way to enjoy spending time together, but also an excellent opportunity to learn more about your own family history.
To finalise the finishing touches of your event, we liaise with the local event and team building organizers Høve Støtt and Ihuga Event.